About Us

Gonzalez-CREMONA & ABOGADOS ASOCIADOS is a Law firm with 25 years of experience in advising clients (individuals and companies) in Spain and abroad. It is a multidisciplinary firm composed of a team of lawyers and other qualified professionals with great experience.

abogados GGCN el Masnou Barcelona Maresme

Gabriela González-Cremona


 Legal holder of the Firm "Cremona Gonzalez & Associates Lawyers".

Degree in Law from the European Institute of Law and Economics (INEDE-FERT), current UIC (International University of Catalonia) and the UNED.

Master in Commerce and International Legislation by the Barcelona’s Bar Association (1992).

Master in Maritime Law by the Barcelona’s Bar Association (1993).

 Membership of ELF a.e.i.e. (European Law Association) since 1990.

Member of the Section of Maritime Law / Teacher of the Master in Maritime Law, dictated by the Barcelona’s Bar Association (years 1995-2007).

Co-author of the book "Juridical Treaty on stowaways" (Volumes I and II).

Selected for a position in the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), in Brussels in 2003. Author of a legal report on the case “Prestige”.

abogados GGCN el Masnou Barcelona Maresme

Consuelo Navas


Doctor in Procedural Law. University of Jaen 2000

Law degree. University of Granada. 1992

Legal Practice Course. Jaen’s Bar Association. 1992

Court- appointed Lawyer. Jaen’s Bar Association. 1992- 1995

Real estate Administrator/ Community owners since 1998.

Tax consultant for PYMES (small and medium enterprises). Government of Andalusia 2000.

Technician in Occupational Risk, intermediate level. Government of Andalusia 2000.

Master Specialist in Real Estate Law. Barcelona’s Bar Association, 2008.

Professor of Administrative Litigation Law at the School of Labor Relations. University of Granada. 2001.

Condominium Law Course. Barcelona’s Bar Association, 2005.

Course on Family Violence. FED.USO 2015


abogados el Masnou Barcelona Maresme, abogados GGCNabogados el Masnou Barcelona Maresme, abogados GGCNabogados el Masnou Barcelona Maresme, abogados GGCNabogados el Masnou Barcelona Maresme, abogados GGCNabogados GGCN el Masnou Barcelona Maresmeabogados el Masnou Barcelona Maresme, abogados GGCN