Family Law

Lawyers GG & CN solve any problems that may affect you, whether judicial or extrajudicial. With over twenty years of experience in the professional practice of law, we also have the collaboration of other professionals in very specific areas, in order to provide the best national and international advice you need.

  • Family mediation
  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Marriage annulment.
  • Filiations and paternity.
  • National and international adoptions.
  • Custody of children
  • Maintenance
  • Visiting regime
  • Disability and appointment of tutor
  • Execution of sentences
  • Preliminary Measures before the petition for separation or divorce
  • Modification of measures of divorce or separation.
  • Unmarried couples
  • Rights of grandparents.
  • Civil Effectiveness resolutions Ecclesiastical Court .
  • Emancipation
  • psquiátric Internment
  • Appointment of Guardian
  • Judicial authorization for purchases of property of minors.
  • Changing the order of surnames
  • Statements of absence or death