The user must carefully read this Legal Notice. The use of this website attributes the condition of user and implies acceptance of all conditions contained in this Legal Notice. Then the rules governing access to and use of the website service that Gonzalez & Associates Lawyers Cremona available to Internet users through the domain detailed. Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the information society and electronic commerce, provided that the provider of the information society is obliged to have the means to, both service recipients and the competent bodies to access electronically, permanent, easy, direct and free to the information listed below: Domain: www.abogadosggcn.comTitle: Gonzalez –Cremona & Associates Lawyers, Spanish firm, established in C / Amadeu I, No. 18 bx of El Masnou (Barcelona). not liable for damages of any kind that may result from the availability and technical continuity of operation of the website. The texts and graphics (design, logos, pictures and the like) constituting the web, as well as its presentation and assembly are the exclusive property of Gonzalez-Cremona & Associates Lawyers.Customers can carry out the reproduction of the contents of the website with the sole purpose of storing them, to making backup copies or printing them on paper for private use.